About Next Generation Machinery

Our team of experts has extensive knowledge of sustainable technologies and possibilities, combined with a healthy dose of perseverance and West Frisian common sense.

Ruud Bakker

Ruud Bakker is the ‘founder’ of Next Generation Machinery. With his many years of background in heavy mechanical engineering, Ruud had the ambition to make this sector more sustainable.

Gertjan Krapman

Gertjan Krapman has been an entrepreneur for 21 years with his own welding and assembly company Freeweld BV in Dirkshorn. He is co-founder of Next Generation Machinery. Gertjan has a passion for innovative and sustainable ideas and solutions.

Roy Wester

After successfully setting up his own company, Roy joined the NGM team as a software specialist. Roy possesses an enormous drive to become more sustainable, and uses the latest techniques to do so.

We deliver clean energy wherever you want it whenever you want it!

NGM focuses on making construction and agricultural machinery, such as excavators, shovels and tractors, more sustainable. Aggregates and machinery are usually powered by a diesel engine. Due to exhaust emissions, they have a negative impact on people and the environment. In addition to CO2, these machines also emit many harmful gases. Such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulate matter. Thanks to NGM’s solutions, this will soon be a thing of the past.